
SEO mistakes are inevitable, however, some are unavoidable even for the most seasoned marketers.

While there are numerous SEO tactics practices to rank keywords, the most common result seems to typically lack due to silly errs.!

Implementing Self-Referential Canonical Tags to Fix SEO:

You might have inculcated local, pro, technical SEO, but have you ever considered using self-referential canonicals to brush up the little SEO mistakes you make. Prior to this, are you aware of terms like canonical? Let’s dive in!

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Self Referential Canonical

This term started when Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst — John Mueller, revealed canonical tags. According to him these Self-referencing canonical tags can come in handy when one is trying to clean up small SEO issues. He was responding to a question that was posted on Reddit about how self-referential canonicals differ from the normal type.

So what’s the purpose of a canonical tag?

Self Referential Canonical

When you’re creating content for your website, you want to ensure that it’s unique and authoritative. That’s why many people use software that scans the internet for duplicate content and then edits it so that it appears unique. But it’s actually easier to take different versions of the same content and redirect it to one canonical URL. When you do this, the search engines will see that its unique content and index it accordingly. That’s why it’s so important to use the self canonical tag to take control of your site’s content.  Self referencing canonical links is a great addition to the latest SEO practices.

Self-referencing canonical tag example and its purpose:

Google’s self-referential canonicals should help clean up small SEO mistakes such as redirect chains and duplicate content issues. This announcement falls right in line with Google’s recent announcement that it will be focusing on the user and their positive experience when ranking websites. Google is not saying that their algorithm will completely ignore this factor, but it is important to be aware of the self-referential canonicals and clean them up before Google starts taking them into account, or your website could end up ranking lower than you may want it to.

We are sure you are excited to know the actual benefits you will get out of these crazy tags!

  • It eliminates small mistakes that can hurt your SEO efforts.
  • Puts you in good standing with Google’s guidelines for avoiding duplicate content penalties. • The update is aimed at helping Google understand what is the authoritative version of a page on a site.
  • As a result, this can help Google to crawl and index the pages on your site that you would prefer to be indexed.
  • Ultimately, these changes should help Google serve your users more useful and relevant search results.

Google has identified webmasters making the same SEO mistake over and over in their websites. These webmasters were using self-referential canonicals to point to their homepage. Google then announced that they would help clean up websites that use this canonical tag in this fashion.

But wait! We have also noticed that,

using hreflang tags tells Google the language and location of your content. With hreflang, we can target more localized audiences.

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We need to use the right language and the right audience.

Do let us know if you want us to prepare a separate blog on hreflang tags. 

Although self-referential hreflang is optional, it is a good practice to implement it. Google’s John Mueller said that it is a good practice to use hreflang tags for international SEO.

All the issues related to hreflang checker, hreflang generator, hreflang example, hreflang values, hreflang attribute, and issues related to hreflang tags have been solved.

When you’re in the business of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you learn that it is very important to avoid duplicate content. One of the most common ways to get duplicate content is to have a canonical URL pointing to the same page, but have the page have the same content twice. This is bad for search engines because it can cause duplicate content penalties. The good news is that if Google detects redundant content, it will automatically remove the extra content to avoid any issues. This is great because it means that you can avoid any duplicate content issues without having to do anything. The post by Google says that it can help avoid issues where you have “self-referential” canonical tags.

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